Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rock and Roll!

Here we go!  We're now studying history!  We started at the beginning...the VERY beginning.  The first lesson was about the days of creation.  The kids created their own fictional animals out of play doh.

We also studied Adam and Eve, and their descendants Jubal and Tubal-Cain.  Jubal was a musician, and Tubal-Cain made things out of iron.  The kids played "Name that Tune" with musical jars, and Kyler researched iron smelting.

Every Friday, we work on a timeline and do map work.  So far, the kids are really enjoying it.

This is a bit of a stretch, but we heard about a rock show, so we went and called it a history field trip.  Rocks are old, right?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Hate Goodbyes...

Sniff, sniff.  It's time to say goodbye to our astronomy unit.  We had a lot of fun, and learned a ton (yes, the parents did too!).  Fortunately, we are all likely to remember what we learned, because the kids recorded it in their notebooks.  I asked each of them to pick their favorite page, and here they are:




Next, we will say hello to history.  We chose "Mystery of History" as our curriculum, which starts with creation and goes from there chronologically.  It includes lots of hands-on activities, notebooking, and living books as supplemental material.  We're looking forward to it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Planet Party!

We celebrated the end of our astronomy unit with a planet party!  I let the kids do most of the planning and preparation, so it was fun to see their creativity run wild.  They made planets, stars, and other space objects out of paper and pipe cleaners and hung them from the dining room and living room ceilings.  One of my favorites was Brennan's Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2, complete with a dog sticker representing "Laika", the first dog in space.

Each of the kids invited a friend over.  Kyler invited Thomas from church, Ella invited Sophia from preschool, and Brennan invited Judah from co-op.  They had a blast decorating planet cookies and making space-themed crafts.  We'll definitely do something like this again!