Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Mmmm....breakfast....my favorite.  Nothing beats pancakes, waffles, sausage, cinnamon rolls, coffee, orange juice, etc.  Not all at the same time, of course.

This year, the kids each chose a menu for their special birthday breakfast.

Brennan chose pancakes and sausage...

Kyler chose French toast and bananas...

Ella chose cinnamon rolls and oranges...


The End of History

We're nearing the end of our history studies for this year.  We've really enjoyed learning about early civilization.

Here are a couple of recent projects...

We made Trojan horses out of Legos...

We carved Jonah's whale out of soap...

Along the way, we've constructed a timeline of the historical people and events we've studied.  Here is just some of it...

We're looking forward to adding to the timeline when we resume history next year.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Food Couplets

Here is another poem, written by Kyler:

A is for apple, shiny and red,
B's for banana, eat it with bread.

C is for carrot, flesh underground,
D is for donut, tasty and round.

E is for eggplant, bulbous and big,
F is for French fries, in we dig!

G is for grapes, which grow in a bunch,
H is for hamburger.  Munch, munch, munch!

I is for ice cream, freezy and cold,
J is for jelly bean, with colors so bold.

K is for Kettle Korn, sticky and sweet,
L is for lamb, which will no longer bleat. =(

M is for macaroni, best with cheese,
N is for nectarine.  Pass them, please.

O is for orange, named for its hue,
P is for peanut, for elephants, too.

Q is for quail meat, which I've never tried,
R is for radish.  Here comes one! Hide!

S is for salad, leafy and green,
T is for turnip, which I've never seen.

U is for ugly fruit.  Huh?  What is that?
V is for venison, which people shot at.

W is for watermelon, juicy (with seeds),
X is for X-ray fish, don't eat one of these!

Y is for yams, (we're close to the end),
Z is for zucchini bread, good-bye, my friend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

Ella really enjoyed Tangled, the new Disney movie about Rapunzel.  She decided to have a Tangled-themed birthday party.  She invited one friend from co-op over for most of the day.

They braided and decorated long yarn braids to wear and painted their nails.  They ate sun-shaped pizza, made fruit towers, and ate black forest cake under paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling.

Happy Birthday Ella!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Instead of having a typical party with lots of friends, Kyler chose to invite three friends from co-op to join our family to see Kung Fu Panda 2 in the theater.  It was a big hit!

After the movie, we returned home and enjoyed pizza and panda cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Kyler!