Friday, September 30, 2011

Consider the Lilies

Imagine life without flowers.  Of course, they are beautiful to look at, but think of all the other things for which we depend on flowering plants: food, clothes (cotton), honey...the list goes on and on.

Our botany book points out that God had a wonderful plan when he created angiosperms (flowering plants), and that we should be very thankful for them.  We also dissected flowers and learned about the parts.  But the favorite section was the one on carnivorous plants.  This is fascinating stuff!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A new school year has started!

We are very excited to get started again.  There are a lot of changes for our second year.  One of them is the topic we'll be studying in science: Botany!

One of the early exercises we did was shoe taxonomy.  We learned about how scientist classify plants, and then we got to try it for ourselves using all the shoes in the house.

We also learned a lot about seeds.  I'm amazed by how much I learn every day.  Hurrah for homeschooling!