Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food, Glorious Food!

In general, we try not to indulge ourselves too much, food-wise.  However, last week was just one of those food-focused weeks for us.

As part of our study of Jacob and Esau, we made "fruit stew", which was warm apricot-orange pudding with bananas (Grandma's recipe).  It was good enough that we could almost imagine selling our birthrights for it.  Almost.

Of course, Joseph's story inspired us to decorate coat-of-many-color cookies.  With sprinkles.

Also, you can't go on a fantastic Great Harvest field trip with your co-op and not buy a few of their giant cookies.  By the way, I highly recommend this Great Harvest in McMinnville, both as a store and as a field trip destination.  The owner did a great job teaching the kids about nutrition and showing them the equipment they use to make their products.  The kids each got their own lump of dough to form into rolls, which the owner baked for us to take home.  Some of the kids combined their dough to make a cute dough boy.

And finally, though it wasn't technically part of school, it's worth mentioning that we went to Olive Garden for Daddy's birthday and ate homemade pear pie and ice cream.

I guess we should be extra healthy this week! =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! That sounds so yummy...now you just have to come up with some cookies that help me with algebra!
