Friday, October 8, 2010

The "Seedlings"

Yesterday was a Johnny Appleseed day for home school.  The kids have been learning about apples, orchards, and Johnny Appleseed this past week.  They put on a performance of the Johnny Appleseed Song for me (Daddy), where Kyler played piano, Ella sang, and Brennan played "drums" on some toys.  Unfortunately, the band, named "the Seedlings", was only a one-hit-wonder, and will have to be coaxed out of retirement for encore performances!  They really enjoyed the crafts they made today as well (Mommy's craft ideas are always so much more "crafty" than Daddy's!).

Here are the kids memories of the day:

Kyler - "I finished my typing lessons.  Ella, Brennan, and I made a band that we named "the Seedlings", in honor of Johnny Appleseed.  Our big performance was for Dad tonight.  He's a big fan!  We also made apple cards with our memory verse on it (Psalm 17:8) to put in our notebooks for a craft, as well as pots to wear on our heads & potato sack shirts to wear (out of paper bags...).  I had a great day."

Ella - "Well, today we had a really good day because we did home school with mommy.  I got to do some educational games on the computer and do a test in math (that I got 100% on).  I'm also learning to round numbers in math."

Brennan - "I loved my band with Kyler and Ella.  I got to play drums!  I made a Johnny Appleseed suit to wear for our performance.  I made apples with paper: white paper, red paper, green paper, and brown paper.  Everything.  Nothing.  0."

Today, the apple theme continued, but with a science emphasis.  The kids looked at apple cells under the microscope and performed an experiment to see if lemon juice would prevent apple slices from browning.  Also, they created apple life cycle wheels.  Later this afternoon, we will make apple sauce from the apples we picked last weekend, and tomorrow will be apple pie.  Now, that's my kind of chemistry!


  1. I want to hear "The Seedlings"!! Are you guys touring soon? You should come to North Bend for your next concert!!
