Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome, Sports Fans...

It's the start of another busy week, which was preceded by a busy weekend!

We decided we weren't done celebrating the start of fall, so we had party #2 on Friday.  The kids and I made and decorated autumn-themed cupcakes, we decorated the dining room, and we had a delicious candlelight dinner.

Saturday was soccer, soccer, soccer!  The boys both got their first goals of the season, following their sister's example from last week.

As soon as the last game was over, we headed south and met Grandpa Brownlee at Detering's Orchards.  We picked a couple of bucket-fulls of apples and one pumpkin for each kid.  That evening, we watched the Ducks play Stanford while enjoying pasta and breadsticks at Pizza Hut.  The kids enjoyed sharing cupcakes with Grandpa, as well as reading and talking with him.

Continuing the sports theme, we met Kyler's soccer team (actually, we were the only ones who showed up besides Kyler's coach and his son) at a University of Portland women's soccer game.  They ended up winning on a penalty kick in overtime.  It was very exciting...but Kyler's favorite memory is of the Kettle Corn his teammate shared with him. =)

Today, the studies resumed.  Brennan read a story about a box and drew a picture of a box and what he would put in it.  A ball and a Spongebob Squarepants toy, in case you're curious.  Kyler says he did well on his math test and started lesson 4, which is about equivalent fractions.  For free writing time, he wrote letters to superheros.  He also started a new level in his typing lessons.  Ella wrote a poem about cats and bats.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very yummy post!! Cupcakes, apples, and pizza! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying all of your school and sports. I'm so glad you all made goals at soccer...that is so exciting!!!
