Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Party

"Today, I watched a movie called 'The Mysterious Islands' for unit studies.  I watched it because we are talking about creation, and it is a movie about creation vs. evolution.  I liked how it showed animals like the blue footed booby and the black sea turtle.  My favorite part was when it told us about Charles Darwin and how he was wrong.  I also went to my brother's soccer practice and helped his coach.  My friend Mason also helped.  We played 'Kick the Coach' and Mason and I were coaches.  We also played when Brennan's team tried to shoot goals, and Mason rolled balls to them, and I retrieved them from behind the goal and in the goal.  I liked talking with Mason as we did it.  At school, I did lots of other fun things, and we caught a frog, made a habitat for it, and had a fall party.  At the party, we jumped in a pile of leaves and played a game called leaf tag where two people are at the top of the playground, and one person is at the bottom of the playground who walks around the playground to the beat of a song that everyone else chooses.  When the song ends, someone at the top says 'Fall!', and everyone on the playground has to get off the playground and run to a certain point.  I think that the party was a great success."

"I had a great day.  You know what Kyler said about the party.  Did he tell you about the leaves we raked?  Well, we raked leaves, then we saw that there weren't enough leaves to jump in.  And, we did unit studies.  We finished a movie about creation and evolution.  Also, we pretended that we were doing a performance.  Can I tell you about it?  OK.  We were having Kyler teach us a music class.  And, we did performances after we practiced them.  The End."

"I did leaves.  I pulled a wagon.  I love you.  I got to do some goals and play a game where we kick the ball at the coach and throw the ball at the coach.  I read a book.  There are millions of things that I read.  I read 'There Was a Small Pig Who Wept Tears' and 'Surprise!'  and 'The Box'."

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