Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today was the first day of homeschool supervised entirely by Scott. It seemed to go well. I'll get my turn on Thursday. Though I'd rather be directly involved, in a way it's fun to hear about it from the kids. Here's what they told me...

"Today I went to soccer practice, and I started a new grammar book. I re-read a book I had already read before. My favorite game at soccer practice is scrimmage. I also like heading and shooting. I played a bunch of math games on the computer. It helps me learn more math. I had a great time today."

"I read 'Thumbelina'. It was a good story. We did worship today again. We actually do it every day. It was fun. I had quiet time, just like always. I played math games online, just like always. It was fun. Do you think homeschool is fun? Have you ever tried it?"

"I read in my reading book by myself today."

Brennan wasn't very talkative tonight, but I have to say, I'm already surprised and impressed by his work ethic in school. There was a time when I would have predicted that Brennan would be the least "academic" of the kids, but he frequently gets his math book out on his own. Today, he got one of his reading books out and read the next story, without being prompted at all.

Another advantage of homeschooling is that we can count activities outside of school hours as "school". Today, P.E. for the boys was soccer practice, though we probably shouldn't count Brennan's. It lasted about 5 minutes, due to sudden, unexpected, and torrential rain. Kyler's team continued to practice under a nearby playground shelter. Ella gets to practice tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a little drier for her!

We learned today that the boys have the same color of game shirt, and even the same number! Fortunately, Kyler's is a bigger size, so we'll be able to differentiate them in the wash.

Matching Shirts Matching Numbers

The kids insisted that I do a top and bottom view too...

Matching Hair Color

Matching Cleats

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