Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day!

Today was our first day of home school!  I know most schools start tomorrow, but we wanted to take advantage of us both being home.  Plus, one of the nice things about home schooling is that we don't have to do what everyone else there :).  We're not completely organized yet, but we're getting there.  Everyone's excited!

We're going to try to blog about school every day, or at least most days.  I thought I'd let the kids describe their day today in their own words.

"My favorite thing about today was playing games on the computer, and next was working in my math book.  I want to talk about something else.  It is my book that I read.  I read about a cat and drew a picture of the cat.  I'm going to name it 'Shoo Cat'."

"We did quiet time in the morning and we did worship.  And we did reading and writing.  And I listened to a CD.  One song was to learn to count by twos up to twenty.  This is how it goes: '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.  When Jesus sends his soldiers out, He sends them two by two.  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.  As we go out to all the world, we march in ranks of two.'  I got to play spelling games online.  I loved it!"

"I want to tell you about our home school schedule.  I sang songs before breakfast, like 'Holy Fire' and 'Holy is the Lord'.  Then I had breakfast, and then we did chores, exercise, and piano practice.  Then we did rotations (online practice, instruction, and reading/writing).  For writing, I wrote four Haiku poems about a trout, an eagle, a firefly, and a sloth.  Then we had lunch and got school supplies, and we got to stay at Mud Puddles to play.  I had a great day today."

The kids really seemed to enjoy it.  I was stressed out.  But again, I'm sure it will get easier as we go.


Yes, this photo is staged.  Ella is wearing my glasses, Kyler is looking thoughtful, and Brennan is....being himself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like a fun day! Great post! And I love the picture :).
    God bless,
