Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome to Fort Diefenkid!

Today was a fun day at home school!  Some things seem to take longer on these fun days, though.  The kids' imaginations start revving up & the focus can become less important.  Fort Diefenkids was a project that was imagined, planned, and built without any adult consultation (and I'm proud to say that their engineering feat lasted all day long!).  It sure is nice to be able to re-arrange our schedule to accommodate imagination like that! - Scott

"I liked everything.  I wrote Ella, Kyler, Megan, and Dad in my notebook.  It made me feel happy.  I finished my whole pattern in math.  I love you, family.  And I love grandmas and grandpas and uncles and aunts and cousins."

"I played at the park with a boy named Gavin.  It was fun.  I wrote a different version of 'The Three Little Pigs.'  I get to take my math test soon.  I almost finished lesson 1.  Lesson 1 is about units and tens and hundreds.  We did chores too!  Just like always.  We had Cocoa Krispies for breakfast.  We get to do unit studies some day."

"I got to go to my dad's and Brennan's soccer practices.  When I went to Brennan's soccer practice, I played with my friend Mason.  We played Bionicles and Hero Factory mixed together.  Before that, me, Ella, and Brennan built a fort by putting blankets on my and Brennan's bed like curtains.  I wrote a story called 'The Ant Who Went On', which is about an ant who was bringing a cake to a caterpillar.  The moral of the story was 'If you are doing something important, stick with it.'  I also did math in my math book.  I am excited about taking my test soon.  I also read part of my book.  My book is called 'Landslide!'  I had a great time today."

Welcome to Fort Diefenkid!


  1. I hope Kyler & Ella are saving copies of their stories so we can read them later. I'm glad Brennan is enthusiastic about his work. Has he started at Teacher Loukie's?

  2. Yup, we're keeping all their work. They'll be happy to share it with you. Brennan started today. I'll be posting a picture soon.
