Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In the Beginning

Today was a day of beginnings.  It was Brennan's first day of Kindergarten at Teacher Loekie's school.  There were mostly new faces, but there were a couple from last year and a some friends from other places there.

It was also the first day of unit studies, which happened to be about the first day ever!  Scott and the kids read and discussed Genesis 1 and did some related crafts.

"Today, I went to soccer practice again, and I won multiplication and division racing games online.  I also started unit studies.  In unit studies, I started a timeline and made a Earth flipping coin (west/east hemispheres).  I also rode bikes.  I wrote two letters.  I also started a book and finished one.  I had a great day."

"I did another poem.  It was a fun one.  And I did some language arts.  I learned about a little snake that couldn't see very well, so he fell in love with a hose.  It helped me learn about capitalization.  I did unit studies today.  We did one chapter in Genesis.  We learned about a part of creation.  And then we made some crafts of the things we learned about.  And then I did cursive.  I'm learning to do cursive.  All done."

"Today at school I made a gate with paper.  And then I saw Boris and I ate string cheese.  I love you, everybody in my class, and in my whole family.  The End."

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Everyone seems to be doing well (even Mom and Dad??) We'd like to read poem #2, Ella, if you have time to post it. We'd also like to read your ant persistence story, Kyler, but we'll wait until you can read it to us in person rather than having to type the whole thing. Grandma and Grandpa B.
