Saturday, September 11, 2010

Books, books, and more books...

Yesterday was our first trip to the library to gather resources for our upcoming unit on creation.  We're going through the Bible sequentially and building a unit around selected topics, integrating subjects such as Bible, science, history, geography, art, technology, and life skills.

We came home with a rather large pile of books :).  Which is good.  I'm looking forward to getting started on the Bible portion of the unit next week, as are the kids.

The kids had their first soccer games today.  All of them played really well and had fun.  We won't talk about the scores =).  Kyler's team is the "Golden Eagles", Brennan's is the "Rockets", and Ella's is, of course, the "Butterflies".  With pink shirts.

Now we're off to the store to get supplies for our first math application project...brownies!!!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are having fun in school. That is a good thing. I would like to hear more about your soccer games. We are looking forward to coming up to some of your games.

    Grandpa B.
