Monday, September 20, 2010

Autumnal Equinox

Brennan's tree and serpent
It's been a while! We've been very busy with school, including our afternoon unit studies, which we've been enjoying. The kids are eager to participate in discussions about passages we read together in the Bible, and they've been coming up with their own related crafts and activities for afterwards.

Ella and Kyler working on their creation timelines

Brennan's leave rubbings
Kyler's leaf rubbings
Another favorite is family exercise in the mornings. The kids take turns picking the exercise, such as riding bikes in our cul-de-sac, walking to the park and playing tag, and Simon Says. During our walk on Friday, we started picking up the first of the colorful autumn leaves. Later that day, we arranged them on the table as decorations and did some leaf rubbings.

As for today, here is what the kids had to say about it...

"Today I played typing games and did my second math test. I went to Brennan's soccer practice and played with my friends. We watched a movie about creation and I read creation books. I also read another book, and wrote an intro for a story. Like always, I had a great time today."

"Today I learned about vowels. I learned about numbers that add up to six. I wrote these two sentences:

One hen sat in a van.
One hen sat in a hat.

I read books. I love you! The end."

"I remember when we played tag at the park. It was fun. I played with my friend Gavin. School was fun today. I wrote the words to a song called 'I Love You More Than the Stars.' I haven't figured out the tune yet, but I will figure it out soon. I did math, and a couple days ago or yesterday, I watched lesson 2. Lunch was good. The End. Bye bye."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great time! So glad you kids are loving school and you all look like you're having so much fun!! I miss you and luv you guys.
    Love, Cousin Haley
