Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cooperation...Makes It Happen...

...Cooperation...working together...Dig it!

Today was the first day of co-op!  The kids were so excited, and I heard nothing but fantastic reports when I got home.

Kyler immediately got out his Latin book and started reading the first lesson to me.  Can you imagine a 9-year-old that excited about Latin?!  He also enjoyed science.  They talked about cells and inventors from different countries, and next week they will be making edible cells (out of candy).  In P.E., they played link tag and flamingo tag and talking about different muscles.  I guess that crazy P.E. teacher knows what he's doing after all =).

They made pictures in art class which they will later cut out and make into other pictures.  Kyler liked being able to make up his own designs, and he liked using things like pieces of carpet and sponges to make patterns in the paint.  Most of all, he had fun meeting new friends, as well as seeing old ones.

Ella's favorite was recess, because she got to play tag with lots of friends and use up lots of energy.  She also enjoyed their science experiment in which the class mummified an apple slice using baking soda and salt.  Next week, they will compare it to another, non-mummified apple slice.  Of course, she loved P.E., because "My Daddy is the best P.E. teacher in the world", as she kept telling everyone all morning.  She enjoyed playing  flamingo tag amd animal red light / green light.  Finally, Ella was happy they got to eat a picnic lunch outside because of the nice weather.

Brennan spent the morning at Teacher Loekie's.  He says he "painted orange around a meeellions of green."  I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure we'll find out.  His snack was string cheese and grapes, which he liked, but one of his friends didn't.  He got to come to co-op for lunch and the rest of the afternoon.  The favorite activities were Hi Ho Cherry-O, making play-dough that smells like cherry, and making the letter "A" with felt.

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