Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Night

If you ask our kids what their favorite thing about homeschool is, they'll probably say "CO-OP!!!"  They love getting together with friends and learning from someone besides Mom and Dad for a day.  We love that we get to take advantage of other parents' expertise, and it costs us practically nothing!

One of the highlights of the fall was co-op family night.  We were able to fellowship with other parents, and the students displayed their artwork, performed music, and presented what they had learned in science.

Ella was one of a couple of kids in her class that volunteered
to prepare a speech about the human body.  She chose the femur.
She did a great job preparing and presenting the speech!

Kyler and his partners worked together on a model of the
digestive system.  They explained what they learned 
to the group very well.

We are looking forward to a similar program this spring!

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