Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

OR..."My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles", depending on if you think Pluto is a planet =).

We've started talking about the planets.  So far, we've covered Mercury and Venus.  We've learned that Mercury is very hot during its day and very cold at night, since it has no atmosphere to hold in the heat.  The opposite is true of Venus; its thick atmosphere makes it the hottest planet, both day and night.  We also learned that Venus rotates the opposite way than all the other planets.  The kids are becoming experts!

One of my favorite things about our curriculum is that it emphasizes the evidence that shows that there is a Creator.  Here are some of the things the kids have learned, in their own words...

Ella: "Venus spins another way than the other planets, so that shows that there couldn't have been a Big Bang."

Kyler: "Since the sun is getting hotter, it would have been too cold for there to have been life on Earth billions of years ago."

Brennan: "God made the Earth."

The kids created model Mercuries out of salt dough.

For their Venus project, they acted out a story about astronauts landing on Venus.  Maybe some day I'll post the video here =).

Next week, we're off to planet Earth!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I'm so glad you guys can learn about science and about God in the same lesson!! I think that's so you get to be astronauts! What's cooler than that??
