Sunday, January 16, 2011

On Cloud Nine

One of the things I love about homeschooling is that I'm learning right along with the kids.  For example, I've learned there is no polite way to pronounce "Uranus".  This doesn't seem to bother the kids, though, and they've enjoyed learning that the reason Uranus and Neptune are blueish is because they have a lot of methane in their atmospheres.  Also, since they are "gas giants", they are covered by swirling, stormy clouds.

So for our experiment this week, we created clouds in our kitchen.  We filled a jar half-way with warm water, dropped in a match, and immediately covered the jar with a bag of ice.  If you look closely, you can see the "clouds" forming in the top of the jar.

When we removed the ice, the clouds swirled out of the jar.  As you can see from their expressions, the kids thought this was really neat!

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