Friday, October 7, 2011

Boot It!!!

Ahhhh....autumn.  My favorite season of the year.  Beautiful colors, crisp air, cozy living rooms....and parents screaming "BOOT IT!" from the sidelines. =)

Fall is a busy time for us.  Not only do we have school starting and all the work that goes into that for homeschoolers, but we also have soccer.  Scott is the head coach of the varsity boys program at the high school, and all three of the kids are on teams.  I'm even assistant coach for Ella's team this year.  We have something soccer related - practices, games, meetings, etc. - almost every day of the week for over two months.  It's crazy, but we love it.

Kyler was on a club team for the first time this year.  It was his idea to try out this summer, and he made the team.  They played in a couple of tournaments over the summer, and they're doing great in league play.  They are ranked #2 behind a team they lost to the first time they played them, but then beat the next time.  Kyler has improved quite a lot throughout the season, and we're very proud of him.  Go Pumas!

Brennan loves to play soccer!  You may not be able to see the HUGE smile on his face in this picture, but it's there.  In fact he giggles through most of the game, he's having so much fun.  Brennan has shown himself to be very coach-able.  He is able to take suggestions from us and his coaches and apply them during the game.  He's also turned out to be a natural defender, at least this year.  When his team loses possession, he gets back to defend his goal.  We're looking forward to seeing how Brennan develops as a soccer player over the years.  Go Rockets!

Ella does not generally play keeper, but I love how she looks in those huge gloves in this picture.  This year has been unique for me because I've been able to participate in Ella's experience as her assistant coach.  She
has improved a lot in many ways over the course of the season.  I am most proud of her tendency to look for someone to pass to as soon as she gets the ball.  Go Pink Panthers!

There are only about two to three weeks left in the soccer season.  Although I'm a looking forward to fewer time commitments, I will miss the excitement of three soccer games every Saturday.  Oh well, there's always next year!

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