Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Happy Harvest Day

Halloween is one of those holidays we don't like to celebrate, but we try to partake in some of the fun activities without emphasizing the evil undertones often associated with the day.  We call our "redeemed" version Harvest Day.

We don't always carve pumpkins for many reasons: quick-to-rot pumpkins, parent labor, kids with knives...etc.  This year, we went for it.  The kids drew their designs, helped hollow the pumpkins out, and did a very small percentage of the cutting.

Our favorite Harvest Day activity was our church's Harvest Festival, which requires that people dress up as someone/something from the Bible.  Kyler chose Joab (complete with a lock of Absalom's hair), Ella was Abigail (she carried food in a basket), and Brennan was Shammah (the Mighty Man of David that defended the bean field - he had a bag of beans attached to his belt).  The church was filled with game booths, bouncy houses, craft tables, and more.

We concluded the holiday with our annual candy sort-and-pick event.  This is where we consolidated candy bag contents, sorted it, and then each person picked 7 pieces to keep so they can eat 1 per day for a week.  The rest of the candy was donated to a good cause (Scott's soccer team).  All-in-all, Harvest Day 2011 was a blast!

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