Friday, October 21, 2011

Co-op is Cool!

The kids will tell you, if you ask, that the best school day every week is Monday.  Monday is the day that co-op meets this year.  Last year was a huge success, and this year is different, but equally successful.

Ella and Brennan get to do art, science, P.E., and writing.  Kyler gets to do literary analysis, which involves reading books, discussing them as a class, and then doing unit studies on topics related to the book.  For example, the first book they read was The Witch of Blackbird Pond, which is set in New England during the time of the Puritans.   One of the activities they did was to make their own candles.

Kyler also gets to participate in a class called Team Building, which Scott teaches in addition to P.E. for the younger kids.  In this class, the kids play games and do activities that promote such skills as leadership, trust, and communication.

My responsibilities include maintaining the website and other technological things, as well as coordinating field trips.  Our first field trip was to a pumpkin patch.  Kids got to pick out pumpkins, learn about potatoes, and go through a huge corn maze.  It was a lot of fun!

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